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POCO Music Theory for Young Musicians Grade 4【4th Edition】
青年音樂家的音樂理論 - 第四級【第四版】

POCO Music Theory for Young Musicians Grade 4【4th Edition】 POCO Music Theory for Young Musicians Grade 4【4th Edition】 POCO Music Theory for Young Musicians Grade 4【4th Edition】
作者(演奏者):Ying Ying Ng
定 價:588 元
特 價:470 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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強力推薦適用於英國皇家 ABRSM 的教材
Colorful and imaginative set of books that covers all aspects of the ABRSM 
【英文版】Music Theory for Young Musicians Grade 4 (4th Ed)

POCO:青年音樂家的音樂理論 - 第四級 (4th Ed)



*The 4th edition of Music Theory for Young Musicians has a new, fresh look: new layout, new colours, and a complete overhaul of the type of exercises provided. There is a large emphasis on multiple choice questions in line with the reality of online examinations in Music Theory. However, all the original hallmarks of this excellent series are present, and indeed enhanced: attractive illustrations, child-friendly explanations, clear language and amusing icons (a bee, an owl, a drum and drum sticks) to direct the attention of the student to a particular concept.

作 者: Ying Ying Ng
原書名: Music Theory for Young Musicians, Grade 4
系 列: Poco Studio Edition
ISBN: 9789670831299
語言型式: 英文/五線譜
樂 器: Piano
外 觀: 平裝 / 96頁  / 普通級 / 彩色印刷


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