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Debussy Masterpieces for Solo Piano: 20 Works

Debussy Masterpieces for Solo Piano: 20 Works Debussy Masterpieces for Solo Piano: 20 Works
作者(演奏者):Debussy Claude
定 價:617 元
特 價:524 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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Debussy Masterpieces for Solo Piano: 20 Works by Claude Debussy


Product Details:
ISBN 10:  0486424251 
ISBN 13:  9780486424255 
Author/Editor:  Claude Debussy 
Format:  Book 
Page Count:  128 
Dimensions:  9 x 12 
Publication date:  November 2002


"No composer in musical history has taught the pianist more new and permanently valuable things," says Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, describing Impressionist Claude Debussy. This new compilation of the composer's most colorfully atmospheric works attests to his extraordinary powers of invention and to his reassessment of keyboard color and technique. Twenty selections range from such fanciful pieces as the impudent "Golligwogg's cakewalk" and the misty "Sunken Cathedral" to the brilliant "Fireworks." A rich compilation of works by France's most innovative and influential composer, this convenient and modestly priced volume will be welcomed by pianists, students, teachers, and music lovers. Dover original compilation of works from authoritative editions.


Table of Contents for Debussy Masterpieces for Solo Piano: 20 Works


1 Arabesque No. 1 (1888-91)
2 Clair de lune (Moonlight, 1890-1905)
3 Danse (Dance, 1890)
4 Des pas sur la neige (Footprints in the snow, 1909-10)
5 Feuilles mortes (Dead leaves, 1912-13)
6 Feux d'artifice (Fireworks, 1912-13)
7 Golliwogg's cakewalk (1906-8)
8 Jardins sous la pluie (Gardens in the rain, 1903)
9 Jimbo's lullaby (1906-8)
10 La cathédrale engloutie (The engulfed cathedral, 1909-10)
11 La fille aux cheveux de lin (The girl with the flaxen hair, 1909-10)
12 La plus que lente--Valse (The "more than slow" waltz, 1910)
13 La Puerta del Vino (The Wine Gate, 1912-13)
14 L'isle joyeuse (The isle of joy, 1904)
15 Minstrels (1909-10)
16 Ondine (The water nymph Undine, 1912-13)
17 Reflets dans l'eau (Reflections in the water, 1905)
18 Rêverie (Revery, 1890)
19 Soirée dans Granade (Evening in Granada, 1903)
20 Voiles (Sails or Veils, 1909-10)


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