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Halloween Favorites, Book 1
9 Original Piano Solos by Alfred and Myklas Composers

Halloween Favorites, Book 1 Halloween Favorites, Book 1
商品品牌:Alfred Music
定 價:330 元
特 價:281 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag


Halloween Favorites, Book 1


Throughout the years, Alfred Music and Myklas Music Press have published solos for the Halloween season that have become favorites of both students and teachers. The pieces included in this series represent the most popular and effective solos drawn from the catalogues of both companies. Divided into four graded collections, outstanding works are included by Sharon Aaronson, Dennis Alexander, Christine H. Barden, Melody Bober, Anne Shannon Demarest, W. T. Skye Garcia, Mary Hauber, Bernadine Johnson, David Karp, Martha Mier, June Montgomery, Joyce Schatz Pease, Ruth Perdew, John Robert Poe, Catherine Rollin, Mary K. Sallee, George Peter Tingley, Robert D. Vandall, and Kim Williams. Book 1 includes pieces appropriate for early elementary to elementary students. Reading range is limited and coordination between the hands is simple. Some of the pieces include optional duet accompaniment. Titles: Witch on a Super-Speed Broom * Black Cats Waltzing * Dear Mister Pumpkin * Trick or Treat Suite * One Scary Night * The Ghost Who Couldn't Say "Boo!" * Creepy Creaky Sounds * Midnight Shadows * What Should I Be for Halloween?


系 列:



Halloween Favorites, Book 1


語言型式: 英文/五線譜
樂 器: 鋼琴
適 用:  Early Elementary / Elementary
外 觀: 平裝 / 24頁 / 27.7 x 21.3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷
Title Composer
Black Cats Waltzing Dennis Alexander (composer)
Creepy Creaky Sounds Martha Mier (composer)
Dear Mister Pumpkin June C. Montgomery (composer)
The Ghost Who Couldn't Say "Boo!" June C. Montgomery (composer)
Midnight Shadows Martha Mier (composer)
One Scary Night Kim Williams (composer)
Trick or Treat Suite Anne Shannon Demarest (composer)
What Should I Be for Halloween? W. T.Skye Garcia (composer)
Witch on a Super-Speed Broom Martha Mier (composer)



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