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Mephisto Waltz and Other Works for Solo Piano

Mephisto Waltz and Other Works for Solo Piano Mephisto Waltz and Other Works for Solo Piano
作者(演奏者):Liszt Franz
定 價:823 元
特 價:700 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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Product Description:
Choice selection includes Mephisto Waltz No. 1, Rapsodie Espagnole, Valse Oubliée, Polonaises Nos. 1 & 2, more — from authoritative editions.


Product Details:
ISBN 10:  0486281477 
ISBN 13:  9780486281476 
Author/Editor:  Franz Liszt 
Format:  Music Scores 
Page Count:  192 
Dimensions:  8 3/8 x 11 1/4 
Publication date:  August 1994 


Table of Contents:

Mephisto Waltz No. 1
"[Composed for orchestra as "The Dance in the Village Inn" ("Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke"), the second of Two Episodes from Lenau's "Faust"; Dedicated to Carl Tausig, the most famous of the first generation of Liszt pupils.]"
"Liebesträume, 3 Notturnos (Dreams of Love, 3 Nocturnes)"
No. 1 in A-flat Major
No. 2 in E Major
No. 3 in A-flat Major
[Piano transcriptions o three Liszt songs, published as a set: No. 1? Hohe Liebe (Lofty Love); No. 2 ? Seliger Tod (Blissful Death), also known by its first line of text: "Gestorben war ich" ("I had died"); No. 3 ? O Lieb (O, Love). Full texts with English translations]
Two Polonaises
No. 1 in C Minor
No. 2 in E Major
Fantasia and Fugue on the Theme BACH
"[Originally written for organ as Prelude and Fugue on the name BACH. Revised, ca. 1870, and transcribed for piano under the alternate title Fantasia and Fugue on the Theme BACH.]"
Valse Oubliée No. 1 (Forgotten Waltz No. 1)
[The first of Trois Valses Oubliées. A fourth waltz was discovered in the United States and published there.]
"Unstern: Sinistre, Disastro (Unlucky Star: Disaster)"
"[Exclamations of adversity of disaster, repeated in the title in German, French and Italian. Also published as Unstern!.]"
Nuages Gris (Somber Clouds)
Grand Galop Chromatique (Grand Chromatic Galop)
Valse-Impromptu in A-flat major (Waltz-Impromptu)
La Lugubre Gondola I & II (The Mournful Gondola I & II)
1st version
2nd version
"[Impressions of funeral processions by gondola, Venice.]"
Czárdás Macabre
[a longer version was published in 1954]
Gretchen (from A Faust Symphony)
[The second of "Three Character Pictures after Goethe" that make up Liszt's A Faust Symphony. (The first is "Faust;" the thrid, "Mephistopheles.") Orchestral score, dedicated to Hector Berlioz, composed in 1854; expanded, 1857. Piano transcription of "Gretchen,".]
Rhapsodie Espagnole (Spanish Rhapsody)
"[Subtitle: "Folies d'Espagne et Jota Aragonesa." Opening based on "La Folia," a traditional 17th-century air used for continuous variation. The jota is a rapid, triple-time folk dance of northern Spain.]"

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