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Harmonized Chorales for Keyboard
巴赫:聖詠曲 BACH 371

Harmonized Chorales for Keyboard Harmonized Chorales for Keyboard
作者(演奏者):Bach Johann Sebastian
定 價:534 元
特 價:454 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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Product Description:
Long esteemed as counterpoint's greatest master, Johann Sebastian Bach created harmonizations of chorales that have served as voice-leading models for generations. This affordable volume features 371 of the composer's harmonized chorales, presented in closed score for easy study as well as play.
These traditional liturgical melodies in four-voice arrangements comprise Gregorian chant melodies that survived the Reformation to form part of Protestant worship as well as traditional German melodies that found their way into services. A staple of every music program, Bach’s chorales spell out the rules of music theory that remain the cornerstones of modern composition. These closed score arrangements, ideal for playing at the piano, offer keyboardists an opportunity to practice their sight-reading skills. Students of counterpoint and harmony will find this collection of enormous theoretical importance, and all will appreciate the practical value of its modest price.
Reprint of a Breitkopf-Härtel edition.


Product Details:
ISBN 10:  0486445496 
ISBN 13:  9780486445496 
Author/Editor:  Johann Sebastian Bach 
Page Count:  96 
Dimensions:  9 3/8 x 12 1/4 
Publication date:  September 2005 

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