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Romantic In Essence: Performance Issues with Stylistic and Interpretive Concerns on Beethoven's Op.101, Chopin's Op.58 a

已停售 缺書

浪漫本質──貝多芬作品101、蕭邦作品58及布拉姆斯作品118之風格解析與演奏詮釋【英文版】 浪漫本質──貝多芬作品101、蕭邦作品58及布拉姆斯作品118之風格解析與演奏詮釋【英文版】
作者(演奏者):王真儀 著 Jen-yi Wang
定 價:600 元
特 價:504 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic




自訂標籤 #Tag


編 號: M7001
書 名: 浪漫本質──貝多芬作品101、蕭邦作品58及布拉姆斯作品118之風格解析與演奏詮釋【英文版】
Romantic In Essence: Performance Issues with Stylistic and Interpretive Concerns on Beethoven's Op.101, Chopin's Op.58 and Brahms's Op.118
[English Version]
作 者: 王真儀 著
Jen-yi Wang 
出版日: 2009/1/20
EAN: 9789575613129
ISBN: 978-957-561-312-9
頁 數: 312 頁
印 刷: 單色
裝 訂: 平裝
開 本: 菊8開(約 21 x 30 cm)



The Romantic era witnesses many changes in the stylistic aspects, e.g., the manifestation of ideas, the idioms of instrumental writings, the structure of works, and the language of tonal harmonies. Similarly, the writing of the piano works flourishes tremendously during this period. By then the piano as an instrument has developed to a stage in which its capacity is more or less compatible to the modern shape. Thanks to this latest instrumental development, the texture of the Romantic writings is richer and the idioms are more adventurous, compared with those of the Classical period.

To celebrate the wonderful accomplishments of the Romantic composers, three works are chosen as the subject of this book: the piano sonata op. 101 by Beethoven, the piano sonata op. 58 by Chopin, and the piano pieces op. 118 by Brahms. The main premise is to explicate through analysis and interpretation the poetic essence unique to the works, and subsequently to exemplify how these essences should influence our interpretations.


目 錄

[Part I The Spirit]

  • Chapter One Points of Departure
  • Chapter Two The Essence of the Romanticism
  • Chapter Three The Poetic Essence: The Manifestation
  • Chapter Four Towards an Interpretive Theory

    [Part II The Analysis]
  • Chapter Five Beethoven and Piano Sonata Op. 101
  • Chapter Six Chopin and Piano Sonata Op. 58
  • Chapter Seven Brahms and Piano Pieces Op. 118

    [Part III The Performance]
  • Chapter Eight Performance Issues on Beethoven's Op. 101
  • Chapter Nine Performance Issues on Chopin's Op. 58
  • Chapter Ten Performance Issues on Brahms's Op. 118
  • Chapter Eleven Afterthoughts


著者■王真儀 博士

  • 1993 倫敦皇家音樂學院 音樂學士
  • 1995 倫敦皇家音樂學院 音樂碩士
  • 2000 紐約市立大學 音樂藝術博士

    1986 第一屆中華蕭邦少年鋼琴大賽冠軍
    1990 倫敦皇家音樂學院獎學金
    1991 鋼琴榮譽獎、普羅科菲耶夫演奏獎、蕭邦演奏獎〔皇家音樂學院〕
    1992 皇家音樂學院教育文憑證書
    1993 皇家音樂學院演奏文憑證書
    倫敦 Anthony Saltmarsh 獎學金
    1994 廿世紀作品演奏獎、廿世紀英國作品演奏獎〔皇家音樂學院〕
    1994 皇家音樂學院樂團,協奏曲演出〔皇家音樂學院〕
    伯明罕首場獨奏會〔Birmingham and Midland Institute〕
    1995 最佳協奏曲演奏獎、舒伯特演奏獎〔皇家音樂學院〕
    倫敦 Ian Fleming 基金會獎學金
    1995 倫敦首場獨奏會〔聖馬丁學會〕
    1995 Personality and Communication in Musical Performance ──碩士論文〔皇家音樂學院〕
    1999 博士班畢業獨奏會〔紐約市立大學 Proshansky 音樂廳〕
    2000 "The Enchanted Garden" by Richard Danielpour: Issues of Analysis and Performance


Romantic In Essence:
Performance Issues with Stylistic and Interpretive Concerns on Beethoven's Op.101, Chopin's Op.58 and Brahms's Op.118

The Romantic era witnesses many changes in the stylistic aspects, e.g., the manifestation of ideas, the idioms of instrumental writings, the structure of works, and the language of tonal harmonies. Similarly, the writing of the piano works flourishes tremendously during this period. By then the piano as an instrument has developed to a stage in which its capacity is more or less compatible to the modern shape. Thanks to this latest instrumental development, the texture of the Romantic writings is richer and the idioms are more adventurous, compared with those of the Classical period.

To celebrate the wonderful accomplishments of the Romantic composers, three works are chosen as the subject of this book: the piano sonata op. 101 by Beethoven, the piano sonata op. 58 by Chopin, and the piano pieces op. 118 by Brahms. The main premise is to explicate through analysis and interpretation the poetic essence unique to the works, and subsequently to exemplify how these essences should influence our interpretations.

There are eleven chapters and are broadly divided into three parts, with each part representing one major aspect of the discussion. Part I includes the first four chapters, which is the theoretical foundation of the book. Chapter One introduces the motivation and the consideration of the book, the discourse of its content, and its analytical methodology. Chapter Two serves as an introduction of the definition and the essential characteristics of the term Romanticism; the discussion is guided by its chronological, performing and aesthetic aspects.

Examinations on the stylistic genres and the poetic essence of the works follow in Chapter Three, with the aesthetic nature of subjectivity and self-challenge as points of departure for the stylistic analysis. In the course of analysis, one comes to realize that all three composers exhibit ways of compositional presentation different from those in the other works. The interpretive theory in general is the concern in Chapter Four. The work of the German scholar, Theodor Adorno, is taken as a theoretical basis, and the chapter discusses the nature of interpretation, its objects and the parameters that should be considered during the interpretive process. Five basic parameters are identified (essence/character, form, tempo, dynamics and articulation), in addition to their corresponding sub-parameters (tone colour, tonal plan, thematic material, tempo modification, dynamic shading and phrasing).

Part II contains Chapters Five to Seven and deals with analytical interpretations. Each chapter follows a similar outline of discussion: the life of the composer, the general background of the work, and the analysis of the work. The analysis is guided by the following topics: form and tonal plan, thematic material, phrase structure, and other motivic feature.

Chapters Eight to Eleven form Part III, and chapters Eight to Ten deal with the performing interpretations. The discussion is guided by the following topics: the poetic essence and tempo, phrasing and tempo modification, dynamic shading, and other performing concern. Chapter Eleven offers a synoptic and concluding narration on the foregoing concepts and the analytical contents.



浪 漫 本 質 ──








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