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Great Piano Etudes: Masterpieces by Chopin, Scriabin, Debussy, Rachmaninoff and Others

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Great Piano Etudes: Masterpieces by Chopin, Scriabin, Debussy, Rachmaninoff and Others Great Piano Etudes: Masterpieces by Chopin, Scriabin, Debussy, Rachmaninoff and Others
編譯者:Dutkanicz David
定 價:617 元
特 價:524 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic




自訂標籤 #Tag

Product Description:
Famous and frequently performed, these piano etudes range from the era of early Romanticism to the twentieth century. The collection also touches upon the genre's growth, from solitary technical exercises to concert mainstays.
Contents include a series of Chopin etudes; pieces by Liszt, including Etudes for Transcendental Technique after Paganini; Schumann's Paganini Etudes and Symphonic Etudes; Three Etudes by Mendelssohn; Brahms' Piano Study after an Etude by Chopin; Six Etudes by Saint Saëns, plus the composer's Six Etudes for the Left Hand; and Rubinstein's "Ondine." Additional pieces include etudes by Scriabin, Debussy, Szymanowski, and Rachmaninoff.
Perfect for intermediate students wishing to hone their technique, this volume is also an excellent resource for advanced students seeking a variety of performance pieces.
Dover Original.



Product Details:
ISBN 10:  0486452778 
ISBN 13:  9780486452777 
Author/Editor:  David Dutkanicz 
Page Count:  128 
Dimensions:  9 x 12  
Publication date:  December 2006


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