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Melody Bober - The Little Drummer Boy

Melody Bober - The Little Drummer Boy Melody Bober - The Little Drummer Boy Melody Bober - The Little Drummer Boy
作者(演奏者):Katherine K. Davis, Henry Onorati, and Harry Simeone
編譯者:Melody Bober
商品品牌:Alfred Music
定 價:144 元
特 價:122 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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自訂標籤 #Tag

The Little Drummer Boy

By Katherine K. Davis, Henry Onorati, and Harry Simeone / arr. Melody Bober
Piano Sheet
Level: Early Intermediate
Page Count: 4
Item: 00-39472
ISBN 10: 0-7390-9154-9
ISBN 13: 978-0-7390-9154-8
A wider range of the keyboard is used in this arrangement through the use of 8va and the damper pedal. Written in G major, this piece features a rhythmic ostinato in the left-hand accompaniment and harmonic thirds, fourths, fifths, and sixths in the right-hand melody. The use of D. S. al Fine creates a longer version and allows for an interlude before the return to the sign. The lyrics are included.
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