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Guided Tour of the Little Peppers (Teacher's Guide)
Piano Book & CD

Guided Tour of the Little Peppers (Teacher's Guide) Guided Tour of the Little Peppers (Teacher's Guide)
作者(演奏者):Elissa Milne
商品品牌:Faber Music
定 價:453 元
特 價:385 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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Guided Tour of the Little Peppers (Teacher's Guide)

By Elissa Milne

Piano Book & CD

Item: 12-0571523323

Series: Faber Edition: Little Peppers

Composed by: Elissa Milne

Instrument: Piano

Format: Book & CD

Page Count: 24

Item Number: 12-0571523323

ISBN 10: 0-571-52332-3

ISBN 13: 978-0-571-52332-0

UPC: 9780571523320


The 'Guided Tour of the Little Peppers' is a fantastic teachers resource that accompanies all five books in the Little Peppers series. The book offers brief tips and advice on each piece in the series, encouraging the use of rhythmic exercises and musical association as well as offering suggestions for composition and improvisation as follow up activities. The book is accompanied by a CD which gives full performances of each piece in the series, played by Elissa Milne herself - and is an invaluable teaching resource.

“小辣椒的導覽”是一個很棒的教師資源,它伴隨著小辣椒系列的所有五本書。 這本書為系列中的每首曲子提供了簡短的技巧和建議,鼓勵使用節奏練習和音樂聯想,並提供作曲和即興創作的建議作為後續活動。 這本書附有一張 CD,該 CD 完整地演奏了該系列中的每一首曲子,由 Elissa Milne 親自演奏——是一份寶貴的教學資源。


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