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Gillock:New Orleans Jazz Styles
Mid-Intermediate Level

Gillock:New Orleans Jazz Styles Gillock:New Orleans Jazz Styles Gillock:New Orleans Jazz Styles Gillock:New Orleans Jazz Styles Gillock:New Orleans Jazz Styles
作者(演奏者):William Gillock
商品品牌:Hal leonard US
定 價:288 元
特 價:245 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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New Orleans Jazz Styles



Mid-Intermediate Level

Publisher: Willis Music
Composer: William Gillock
Piano Level: Mid-Intermediate
Inventory # HL00415931
ISBN: 9781423490937
UPC: 073999176247
Series: Willis
Format: Softcover
Publisher Code: 9573
Width: 9.0"
Length: 12.0"
12 pages
New Orleans Nightfall 
The Constant Bass 
Mardi Gras 
Dixieland Combo 
Frankie and Johnny (Theme and Variations).
The New Orleans Jazz Styles series are written for pianists performing at the intermediate level. Gillock believed that every student's musical education should include experiences in a variety of popular styles, including jazz, as a recurring phase of study. Performers are encouraged to deviate from the written notes with their own improvisations, for spontaneity is an essential ingredient of the jazz idiom.


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