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Musical Fingers:Teacher's Handbook

Musical Fingers:Teacher's Handbook Musical Fingers:Teacher's Handbook Musical Fingers:Teacher's Handbook Musical Fingers:Teacher's Handbook Musical Fingers:Teacher's Handbook Musical Fingers:Teacher's Handbook
作者(演奏者):Frances Clark, Louise Goss and Sam Holland
商品品牌:Alfred Music
定 價:288 元
特 價:245 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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Musical Fingers, Teacher's Handbook

By Frances Clark, Louise Goss and Sam Holland

Piano Book

Item: 00-1013X

Series: Frances Clark Library for Piano Students

Author: Frances Clark, Louise Goss, Sam Holland

Instrument: Piano

Format: Book

Page Count: 32

Item Number: 00-1013X

ISBN 10: 0-913277-13-4

ISBN 13: 978-0-913277-13-3

UPC: 029156660425



An invaluable compendium of pre-college technique for students of late elementary through early advanced levels. The four volumes are designed to benefit any student in the mastery of crucial elements of technique, to learn to play well both technically and musically, and to think and listen from the twin standpoints of facility and tone production. Teaching Musical Fingers -- A Handbook for Teachers, stresses points to consider in teaching the exercises, as well as musical and technical attitudes to foster and develop.


一個寶貴的大學預科技術綱要,適用於小學晚期到早期高級水平的學生。 這四卷旨在幫助任何學生掌握技術的關鍵要素,學習在技術和音樂方面都表現出色,並從設施和音調產生的雙重角度思考和聆聽。 音樂手指教學 - 教師手冊,強調在教授練習時要考慮的要點,以及培養和發展的音樂和技術態度。


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