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Piano Safari - Friends Sticker Replacement Book(動物之友貼紙書)

Piano Safari - Friends Sticker Replacement Book(動物之友貼紙書) Piano Safari - Friends Sticker Replacement Book(動物之友貼紙書) Piano Safari - Friends Sticker Replacement Book(動物之友貼紙書) Piano Safari - Friends Sticker Replacement Book(動物之友貼紙書) Piano Safari - Friends Sticker Replacement Book(動物之友貼紙書) Piano Safari - Friends Sticker Replacement Book(動物之友貼紙書)
商品品牌:Piano Safari



自訂標籤 #Tag

Piano Safari - FRIENDS 動物之友系列 教本、貼紙書


【Piano Safari Friends Student Pack】

Designed for our youngest students, Piano Safari Friends is intended to lay the foundation for a successful start in Level 1. It comes with a corresponding sticker book, a PDF of the Piano Decorating Kit, and accompanying audio tracks.

Target age: Preschool (4-6)

Product information:

Core Book: 9 x 12 in. Spiral bound. 119 pages.

Sticker Book: 64 stickers



Piano Safari Friends is intended to prepare students for Piano Safari Level 1. Its aim is to provide young children with rich and enjoyable musical experiences through movement, singing, imitating, improvising, and learning the fundamentals of rhythmic notation and pre-staff reading.


【Piano Safari Friends Book】

Product information: 9 x 12 in. Spiral bound. 119 Pages.


Piano Safari Friends is intended to prepare students for Piano Safari Level 1. Its aim is to provide young children with rich and enjoyable musical experiences through movement, singing, imitating, improvising, and learning the fundamentals of rhythmic notation and pre-staff reading.


【Piano Safari Friends Sticker Replacement Book】

Product information: 64 stickers. They include Charlie Chipmunk, Leo Lion, Herbie Hippo, Tall Giraffe, Zechariah Zebra, Kangaroo, and finger number stickers.


Piano Safari Friends is intended to prepare students for Piano Safari Level 1. Its aim is to provide young children with rich and enjoyable musical experiences through movement, singing, imitating, improvising, and learning the fundamentals of rhythmic notation and pre-staff reading.


Piano Safari 是一個由美國音樂教育家Katherine Fisher 和 Julie Knerr 博士將數十年的鋼琴教學經驗以及各種教學法研究整理、集結成的一套新型態的鋼琴系統教材。


適用學生年紀:從4-6歲初學鋼琴學生 至 大齡的學生,都有相對應年紀及程度可以使用的教材來選擇,並且,也適用於音樂團體課當中來使用,很適合讓團體班的學生們一起「體驗」鋼琴的種種不一樣的音型及技巧。


補充教材及教學指引資源:Piano Safari提供了各式各樣的補充曲集、音樂教學卡及視奏卡等補充教材給予學生更多的選擇,對於老師的教學,Piano Safari也提供了強大的指南及資料庫,讓老師們可以得到最直接的教學幫助!






Rote Pieces-這是Piano Safari中最大特色的教學設計,主打讓學生模仿老師的演奏,老師透過一組一組的音型、樂句的模組,讓學生在反覆練習的過程中,將整首樂曲學習完畢。

動物=音樂技巧,在Piano Safari的教本中,「動物」,將會是你常見的圖案,但是這些可愛的動物們不僅僅只是一個圖案,牠們更是代表著每一個不一樣的音樂技巧!


【Piano Safari的分級簡介】


Piano Safari Friends 專為我們最年幼的學生設計(4-6歲,Pre-School學生),旨在為第1 級的成功開始奠定基礎。此教材附帶有相應的貼紙書及其他音樂學習卡。

Level 1:六個關鍵為初學者奠定基礎

Repertoire Book 1 旨在為初學者提供堅實的基礎,包含促進每個學生全面發展的六個音樂關鍵要素:Rote Pieces, Reading Pieces, Folk Pieces, Technical Exercises, Improvisation, and Theory.

Level2 -更新六個關鍵鋼琴練習,新增雙手練習及挑戰樂曲

Repertoire Book 2 旨在建立在 Level 1 奠定的基礎上,包含促進每個學生全面發展的六個關鍵要素。 這些元素包括:Reading Pieces, Rote Pieces, Challenge Pieces, Equal Part Duets, Theory, and Improvisation.

Level3- 為小學後期-中級學生的教材

Repertoire Book 3 的更新版本為小學後期/中級早期的學生提供了引人入勝的音樂。 選擇範圍從古典作品到各種風格的新作品。

Older student Level 1-Older student Level 3

10歲以上到成人學生適合使用的教材,以更快的進度來體驗Piano Safari 的教學設計


總計 0 個記錄




定 價:140 元
特 價:112 元
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