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Chédeville:Il Pastor Fido
瑟德維爾:忠實的牧羊人【德國騎熊士 淨版】

Chédeville:Il Pastor Fido Chédeville:Il Pastor Fido Chédeville:Il Pastor Fido Chédeville:Il Pastor Fido
作者(演奏者):Chédeville, Nicolas
編譯者:Sardelli, Federico Maria
定 價:1041 元
特 價:937 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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Bärenreiter-Verlag 德國騎熊士版 引領淨版推廣風潮讓原音再現  【小熊 原典版】
Chédeville, Nicolas

Il Pastor Fido 

Six Sonatas for Musette, Hurdy gurdy, Flute, Oboe or Violin and Basso continuo

瑟德維爾忠實的牧羊人【德國騎熊士 淨版】

「忠實的牧羊人Il Pastor Fido」是義大利詩人與劇作家Giovanni Battista Guarini著名的悲喜劇,1590年在威尼斯發表,此劇啟發後世許多作曲家為之譜曲。本輯這六首名為「忠實的牧羊人」的奏鳴曲,原本一直被歸為維瓦第的作品Op.13,直到1990年才被發現並證實是法國巴洛克時期作曲家瑟德維爾(Nicolas Chedeville 1705-1782)的作品。不過瑟德維爾的確取材維瓦第和其他同時期作曲家元素,音樂語法也十分相近。瑟德維爾是法國小風笛「穆塞特風笛Musette」演奏家與製造商,推測他當時寧願以維瓦第之名發行這些作品,便是希望藉大作曲家之名推廣「穆塞特」這項樂器。在直笛之外,這些奏鳴曲可以由穆塞特風笛、手搖弦琴(Hurdy-Gurdy)、長笛、雙簧管或是小提琴來演奏。

It was in 1990 – more than 250 years after the publication of "Il Pastor Fido" – that the masterful forgery was exposed: not Antonio Vivaldi but in fact the French composer Nicolas Chédeville (1705–1782) turned out to be the true author of this sonata collection, which was subtly foisted upon the unsuspecting Parisian public in the middle of the 18th Century, at the height of Vivaldi's popularity in France. Vivaldi himself never came to know anything of the misuse of his name and musical intellectual property.

"Il Pastor Fido" offers a ‘Mélange‘ of very simple, movements and gallantries in the French style, as well as some throughout original movements of exceptionally fine music and powerful compositional ideas. Approximately ninety percent of “Il Pastor Fido” is Chédeville's own work; for the remainder, he adopted and built upon themes (or those which he thought to be) by Vivaldi, all the while demonstrating a thorough understanding of the style that he was striving to imitate.

As with all of Chédeville's other works and numerous other collections from the time, the original title mentions a series of instruments, all of which are suitable for performing these sonatas: the musette, hurdy-gurdy, flute, oboe and violin. Whilst the first two, which were popular instruments at the time and corresponded to the Arcadian sensibilities of the Age of Enlightenment, have long since been out of fashion, the flute is particularly well suited today to reflect the pastoral character – noted in the title of the collection (“Il Pastor Fido”: the Faithful Shepherd) – of the music.

The Bärenreiter Urtext edition was edited by the reputable Vivaldi scholar and conductor Federico Maria Sardelli. In addition to the musical text of the six sonatas, it contains a detailed preface (German / English), which not only tells the enthralling story of the forgery and reveals the "ingredients” required for such a composition. It also contains inspiring information on performance practice, whilst presenting a critical report with references to readings and editorial decisions.

- Bärenreiter Urtext edition by Federico Maria Sardelli

- Preface (German/English) and Critical Report (English)

- Inspiring information on historical performance practice

作 者: Chédeville, Nicolas
原書名: LIl Pastor Fido Six Sonatas for Musette, Hurdy gurdy, Flute, Oboe or Violin and Basso continuo
編訂者: Sardelli, Federico Maria
ISMN: 9790006559824
語言型式: 英文/德文/五線譜
適用版本: Performance score(s), Anthology, Urtext edition
樂 器: Musette, Hurdy gurdy, Flute, Oboe or Violin and Basso continuo
適 用: 原典版、室內樂、音樂會
外 觀: 膠裝 / 62 / 27 / 28 頁 / 31.0 x 24.3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷



Composer / Author:Chédeville, Nicolas

  • Sonata I attributed to Antonio Vivaldi
  • Sonata II attributed to Antonio Vivaldi
  • Sonata III attributed to Antonio Vivaldi
  • Sonata IV attributed to Antonio Vivaldi
  • Sonata V attributed to Antonio Vivaldi
  • Sonata VI attributed to Antonio Vivaldi

Kritischer Bericht

Critical Commentary




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