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ShowTime® Popular CD - Level 2A(Faber)
ShowTime® Popular CD - Level 2A

ShowTime® Popular CD - Level 2A(Faber) ShowTime® Popular CD - Level 2A(Faber) ShowTime® Popular CD - Level 2A(Faber)
編譯者:Nancy Faber, Randall Faber
商品品牌:Hal leonard US
定 價:452 元
特 價:384 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag

Faber Piano Adventures® 芬貝爾鋼琴探險系列教本

ShowTime®  Popular CD - Level 2A


Appealing new orchestrations for the updated Level 2A ShowTime® Piano Popular Book (available separately)! This enhanced CD of background accompaniments includes two audio tracks for each song: one at a slower practice tempo, and the second at the full performance tempo. MIDI files for each song are also included on the CD. Includes: Happy Birthday to You • Hedwig's Theme • I Just Can't Wait to Be King • It's a Small World • La Bamba • Olympic Fanfare • Over the Rainbow • Part of Your World • Perfect Nanny. Great motivational material for private or group lessons!



        Piano Adventures has set a new standard for a new century of piano teaching. It is fast becoming the method of choice at leading university pedagogy programs and major teaching studios around the world. But more importantly, Piano Adventures is bringing smiles to the faces of thousands of piano students. It can do the same for your students.


本系列可搭配 Level 2A、Accelerated Book 2 所使用之曲子,曲風豐富,包括古典、爵士、搖滾及流行等曲風,更有小星星、少女的祈禱等小朋友喜歡的歌曲。

出版:  Faber Piano Adventures  / 發行:Hal leonard Corporation
級別 Level 2A
UPC 674398214365
語言 英文 English Edition
自編碼 CD1035
適用對象 入門 進階/鋼琴學習
規格 平 裝/6" X 9" /普級/彩色印刷



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