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Telemann:The 36 Fantasias for Keyboard

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Telemann:The 36 Fantasias for Keyboard Telemann:The 36 Fantasias for Keyboard
作者(演奏者):Telemann Georg Philipp
定 價:658 元
特 價:559 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic




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 Product Description:

These influential compositions are the work of a prolific 18th-century contrapuntist. Renowned for his technical mastery and fluent command of melody, Telemann was much admired by such contemporaries as Bach and Handel. This collection of 36 of his fantasias features works of great artistic merit and only intermediate-level complexity — it also forms a fine introduction to Baroque keyboard works.
Reprint of the Verlag von Martin Breslauer, Berlin, 1923 edition.
Product Details:
ISBN 10: 0486253651
ISBN 13: 9780486253657
Author/Editor: Georg Philipp Telemann
Format: Music Scores
Page Count: 80
Dimensions: 8 1/8 x 11
Publication date: July 2011
Table of Contents:
Fantafia. Allegro. No. 1.
Fantafia. Prefto. No. 2.
Fantafia. Divace. No. 3.
Fantafia. Allegro. No. 4.
Fantafia. Divace. No. 5.
Fantafia. Temo di Minuetto. No. 6.
Fantafia. Prefto. No. 7.
Fantafia. Divace. No. 8.
Fantafia. Allegro. No. 9.
Fantafia. Allegro. No. 10.
Fantafia. Allegro. No. 11
Fantafia. Divace. No. 12
Fantaifie. Tendrement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Gravement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Pompeufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Gratieufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Melodieufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Tendrement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Lentement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Gratieufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Flateufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Moderement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Pompeufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Gratieufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantafia 1. Divace. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 2. Divace. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 3. Tempo giufto. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 4. Divace. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 5. Allegro. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 6. Gratiofo. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 7. Prefto. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 8. Divace. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 9. Allegro. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 10. Allegro. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 11. Divace. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 12. Divace. Dozzina 3.
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