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The Seasons and Other Works for Solo Piano

The Seasons and Other Works for Solo Piano The Seasons and Other Works for Solo Piano
作者(演奏者):Tchaikovsky Peter Ilyitch
定 價:905 元
特 價:769 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag

Product Description:
Finest single-volume edition includes authoritative scores of The Seasons, Op. 37; Album for the Young, Op. 39; 10 Characteristic Pieces, Op. 72; Dumka, Op. 59; Valse sentimentale, Op. 51, No. 6; 4 Pieces, Op. 40; Theme and Variations, Op. 19, No. 6; plus 5 early pieces.



Product Details:
ISBN 10:  0486291286 
ISBN 13:  9780486291284 
Author/Editor:  Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky 
Format:  Music Scores 
Page Count:  208 
Dimensions:  8 3/8 x 11 
Publication date:  May 1996 




Table of Contents:

Five early pieces
Romance (Op. 5)
Valse-scherzo ? Waltz-scherzo (Op. 7)
Capriccio (Op. 8)
"Polka de salon (Op. 9, No. 2)"
"Nocturne (Op. 10, No. 1)"
"Thème original et variations ? Original theme and variations (Op. 19, No. 6)"
From Twelve Pieces (Op. 40)
No. 2 Chanson triste ? Sad song
6. Chant sans paroles ? Song without words
9. Valse ? Waltz
10. Danse russe ? Russian dance
"Valse sentimentale ? Sentimental waltz (Op. 51, No. 6)"
Doumka (Scène rustique russe) ? Dumka (Russian village scene) (Op. 59)
From Eighteen Characteristic Pieces (Op. 72)
No. 1 Impromptu
2. Berceuse ? Lullaby
3. Tendres reproches ? Gentle reproaches
4. Danse caractéristique ? Characteristic dance
8. Dialogue
9. Un poco di Schumann ? A bit of Schumann
12. L'espiègle ? The rascal
13. Echo rustique ? Countryside echo
15. Un poco di Chopin ? A bit of Chopin
16. Valse à cinq temps ? Waltz in five-beat time
Album for the Young (after Schumann) (Op. 39) [Restored to Tchaikovsky's original sequence]
No. 1. Prière de matin ? Morning prayer
2. Le matin en hiver ? Winter morning
3. Maman ? Mama
4. Le petit cavalier ? The little horseman
5. Marches des soldats de bois ? Marches of the wooden soldiers
6. La nouvelle poupée ? The new doll
7. La poupée malade ? The sick doll
8. Enterrement de la poupée ? The doll's burial
9. Valse ? Waltz
10. Polka
11. Mazurka
12. Chanson russe ? Russian song
13. Le paysan prélude ? The peasant plays an introduction
14. Chanson populaire (Kamarinskaya) ? Folk Song
15. Chanson intalienne ? Italian song
16. Mélodie antique française ? Old French melody
17. Chanson allemande ? German song
18. Chanson napolitaine ? Neapolitan song
19. Conte de la vieille bonne ? The old maid-servant's tale
20. La sorciére (Baba-Yaga) ? The witch
21. Douce rêverie ? Sweet reverie 
22. Chant de l'alouette ?Song of the lark
23. A l'église ? In church
24. L'orgue de barbarie ? The hurdy-gurdy
The Seasons (Op. 37bis)
Note and epigraphs
1. "Janvier: "Au coin du feu" ? January "By the fireside"
2. "Février: "Carnaval" ? February: "Carnival"
3. "Mars: "Chant de l'alouette" ? March "Song of the lark"
4. "Avril: "Perce-neige" ? April: "Snowdrop"
5. "Mai: "Les nuits de mai" ? May: "May nights" ["White nights"]"
6. "Juin: "Barcarolle" ? June: "Barcar
7. "Juillet: "Chant du faucheur" ? July: "The reaper's song"
8. "Août: "La moisson" ? August: "The harvest"
9. "Septembre: "La chasse" ? September: "The hunt"
10. "Octobre: "Chant d'automne" ? October: "Autumn song"
11. "Novembre: "En troïka" ? November: "In the troika"
12. "Decembre: "Noël" ? December: "Christmas"

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