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The 36 Fantasias for Keyboard
泰勒曼 36首鋼琴幻想曲

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The 36 Fantasias for Keyboard The 36 Fantasias for Keyboard The 36 Fantasias for Keyboard
作者(演奏者):Georg Philipp Telemann
定 價:658 元
特 價:559 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic




自訂標籤 #Tag

ISBN 10:  0486253651 
ISBN 13:  9780486253657 
Author/Editor:  Georg Philipp Telemann 
Format:  Music Scores 
Page Count:  80 
Dimensions:  8 1/8 x 11 
Publication date:  July 2011


Influential compositions by prolific 18th-century master. Fantasias (published 1732–3) of particular interest, for along with polish, grace and fluidity, the beginnings of the sonata form are revealed in Telemann’s technique of bringing together different motifs. Republication of edition published by Martin Breslauer, Berlin, 1923. Edited by Max Seiffert. Publisher’s note.

Fantafia. Allegro. No. 1.
Fantafia. Prefto. No. 2.
Fantafia. Divace. No. 3.
Fantafia. Allegro. No. 4.
Fantafia. Divace. No. 5.
Fantafia. Temo di Minuetto. No. 6.
Fantafia. Prefto. No. 7.
Fantafia. Divace. No. 8.
Fantafia. Allegro. No. 9.
Fantafia. Allegro. No. 10.
Fantafia. Allegro. No. 11
Fantafia. Divace. No. 12
Fantaifie. Tendrement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Gravement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Pompeufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Gratieufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Melodieufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Tendrement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Lentement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Gratieufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Flateufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Moderement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Pompeufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantaifie. Gratieufement. 2. Douzaine.
Fantafia 1. Divace. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 2. Divace. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 3. Tempo giufto. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 4. Divace. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 5. Allegro. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 6. Gratiofo. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 7. Prefto. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 8. Divace. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 9. Allegro. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 10. Allegro. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 11. Divace. Dozzina 3.
Fantafia 12. Divace. Dozzina 3.


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