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DOMINANT 135B 小提琴弦(組)
Thomastik-Infeld Dominant Violin Strings

DOMINANT 135B 小提琴弦(組) DOMINANT 135B 小提琴弦(組) DOMINANT 135B 小提琴弦(組)
定 價:1900 元
特 價:1680 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag

135B Set - 4/4  整套

DOMINANT:以尼龍絲為弦芯外面纏繞金屬細絲的提琴弦奧地利製造,歷史悠久,音色甜美不失力道! 常常是許多國際重要比賽的標準指定用弦! 也是許多音樂班學生以及老師經常使用的琴弦,價格也算可親。 建議拿到一把新到手的提琴使用此廠牌琴弦,他所發出的聲音應該是最最平衡的!  全球享富盛名音色優美拉奏流暢‧台灣最多人使用的提琴弦。


Dominant nylon core strings

Comparable in sound to gut, without gut's disadvantages

These strings have a highly flexible, multi-strand nylon core and cater for artists who feel uncomfortable with steel strings. The resounding success of our Dominant string owes a lot to its similarity in tone and response to gut strings, without gut's attendant drawbacks.

The sound of the Dominant string is full and mellow, yet rich in overtones. Its radiance, its ability to project sound without being metallic, comes to the fore both in arco and pizzicato. Other advantages are Dominant's effortless response to intricate fingering and its tuning stability even under extreme atmospheric conditions. But Dominant's beauty of tone is not as long lasting as that of a steel string, a price the discerning musician will be prepared to pay for this quality of sound. Dominant strings should be changed at appropriate intervals to ensure continuity of tone color.

N.B. The playing and tuning peg length of the string are critical, so the string used should be exactly matched to the instrument's measurements.

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特 價:189 元


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