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Three Odd Meters(1P4H)

Three Odd Meters(1P4H) Three Odd Meters(1P4H) Three Odd Meters(1P4H) Three Odd Meters(1P4H) Three Odd Meters(1P4H) Three Odd Meters(1P4H)
作者(演奏者):Sondra Clark
商品品牌:Hal leonard US
定 價:287 元
特 價:244 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag

Three Odd Meters
One Piano, Four Hands Intermediate Level

Composer Showcase
Composer: Sondra Clark
Piano Level: Intermediate

Pianists and audiences alike will find these imaginative duets immediately appealing.

With Poulenc-like playfulness, 3+3+4 combines groups of eighth notes in a rhythmically unconventional way. Players will revel in its wry humor and bright, outgoing manner. Timing: 1:47.

A waltz with a 5/8 time signature? Yes! Pentatempo Waltz trips the light fantastic, sweeping across the ballroom with elegance and grace. What a delight to perform in this meter! Timing: 2:54.

Two-Timing plays with the similarities and differences between 6/8 and 3/4, with the music shifting between the two meters flexibly and often. Most often the two parts have the same meter, but in a few instances the players must pit 6/8 against 3/4 simultaneously, creating a real situation of “two-timing.” Timing: 1:31.

This collection makes outstanding recital fare or studio ensemble pieces for intermediate-level pianists with the requisite technical skills and musical imagination.

Pentatempo Waltz

Inventory # HL00296472
ISBN: 9780634074011
UPC: 073999974126
Series: Composer Showcase
Format: Softcover
Width: 9.0"
Length: 12.0"
32 pages 

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