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Succeeding at the Piano Lesson Book - Preparatory (2nd edition)

Succeeding at the Piano Lesson Book - Preparatory (2nd edition) Succeeding at the Piano Lesson Book - Preparatory (2nd edition)
編譯者:Helen Marlais
商品品牌:FJH Music
定 價:369 元
特 價:314 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag

Succeeding at the Piano Lesson Book - Preparatory (2nd edition)
Helen Marlais
The perfect method for building a solid foundation in pianistic skill and love of music that will keep students playing for years to come. This exciting new method series by Helen Marlais focuses on giving students more opportunities to play repertoire, while supplemental texts in the series can be used to focus on technique. Teachers can now tailor lesson materials to fit each individual student in their studio. Succeeding at the Piano methods are a proven guide for students of all ages. With colorful pages, and artistic pieces, students will have access to extensive resources in the method books and supplemental materials.
Series:Succeeding at the Piano

Subject:Method Books 

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