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Music for Little Mozarts: Notespeller & Sight-Play Book 2
Christine H. Barden, Gayle Kowalchyk, and E. L. Lancaster

Music for Little Mozarts: Notespeller & Sight-Play Book 2 Music for Little Mozarts: Notespeller & Sight-Play Book 2 Music for Little Mozarts: Notespeller & Sight-Play Book 2 Music for Little Mozarts: Notespeller & Sight-Play Book 2 Music for Little Mozarts: Notespeller & Sight-Play Book 2 Music for Little Mozarts: Notespeller & Sight-Play Book 2
商品品牌:Alfred Music
定 價:412 元
特 價:350 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag

The Notespeller & Sight-Play Book 2 reinforces note-reading skills based on the concepts introduced in the Music Lesson Book 2. Each page has two activities---a written activity and a playing example. The written activity reinforces notes on the keyboard and staff through coloring, circling, drawing, or matching. The sight-play examples help students relate notes and musical concepts to performance on the keyboard, move out of fixed hand positions, and identify melodic and rhythm patterns.



Additional Information
Series: Music for Little Mozarts
Author: Christine H. Barden, Gayle Kowalchyk, E. L. Lancaster
Instrument: Piano
Format: Book
Page Count: 32
Item Number: 00-45125
ISBN 10: 1-4706-3240-3
ISBN 13: 978-1-4706-3240-3
UPC: 038081515243


由美國音樂教育出版社Alfred Music Publishing編著的「小小莫札特」教材,透過可愛的插圖傳達標準的基礎訓練,培養音樂能力,有助心智發展。音樂欣賞,多元化的活動,增加學習的樂趣,從愉快的氣氛中學習基礎的音樂知識。


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