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Peter and the Wolf Op.67 彼德與狼
arranged by WEALEY SCHAUM

Peter and the Wolf Op.67 彼德與狼 Peter and the Wolf Op.67 彼德與狼 Peter and the Wolf Op.67 彼德與狼 Peter and the Wolf Op.67 彼德與狼
作者(演奏者):Serge Prokofiev
編譯者:Wesley Schaum
商品品牌:Hal leonard US
定 價:371 元
特 價:315 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag

Educational Piano
【英文版】Peter and the Wolf Op.67

Wesley Schaum's arrangement of Prokofiev's famous Peter and the Wolf includes the composer's familiar and traditional harmonies spiced and flavored with dissonances to manintain stunning dramatic efforts but in a format easy to comprehend for level 3 students.



系 列: Educational Piano
原書名: Peter and the Wolf
ISBN: 9781936098774
語言型式: 英文/五線譜
樂 器: 鋼琴
適 用: Level: 3
外 觀: 平裝 / 24頁 / 31.0 x 24.3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷




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