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Beethoven:String Quartet E-flat major op. 127
貝多芬:降E大調弦樂四重奏 Op.127

Beethoven:String Quartet E-flat major op. 127 Beethoven:String Quartet E-flat major op. 127 Beethoven:String Quartet E-flat major op. 127 Beethoven:String Quartet E-flat major op. 127 Beethoven:String Quartet E-flat major op. 127 Beethoven:String Quartet E-flat major op. 127
作者(演奏者):Beethoven, Ludwig van
編譯者:Del Mar, Jonathan
定 價:1108 元
特 價:942 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



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Bärenreiter-Verlag 德國騎熊士版 引領風潮讓原音重現
Beethoven, Ludwig van
String Quartet E-flat major op. 127
貝多芬:降E大調弦樂四重奏 Op.127

This new scholarly-critical edition of String Quartet op. 127, the first of Beethoven's late quartets, follows upon Urtext publications of opp. 18, 59, 74 and 95.

Once more the editor is the renowned Beethoven authority Jonathan Del Mar. All surviving sources have been consulted including sketches to clarify the conflicting readings in the autograph. Not only has Del Mar reconstructed Beethoven's original beaming, phrasing, articulation and length of crescendo hairpins, he has also corrected wrong notes that have taken hold in editions published over the years and has supplemented missing notes.

• Urtext edition at the cutting edge of scholarship, with detailed separate Critical Commentary (Eng)

• Parts ideally laid out for performance purposes


作 者: Beethoven, Ludwig van
原書名: String Quartet E-flat major op. 127
編訂者: Burghauser, Jarmil / Cubr, Antonín
Volume / Series: Del Mar, Jonathan
ISMN: 9790006564019
語言型式: 英文/德文/五線譜
適用版本: Performance score(s), Set of parts 
樂 器: 1. Violin, 2. Violin, Viola, Violoncello
適 用: 名曲、音樂會
外 觀: 平裝 / 23 / 14 / 15 / 15 頁 / 31.0 x 24.3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷
  • String Quartet E-flat major op. 127


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