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Brahms:Sonata for Violin and Piano D minor op. 108
布拉姆斯:D小調小提琴奏鳴曲 Op.108

Brahms:Sonata for Violin and Piano D minor op. 108 Brahms:Sonata for Violin and Piano D minor op. 108 Brahms:Sonata for Violin and Piano D minor op. 108 Brahms:Sonata for Violin and Piano D minor op. 108 Brahms:Sonata for Violin and Piano D minor op. 108 Brahms:Sonata for Violin and Piano D minor op. 108
作者(演奏者):Brahms, Johannes
編譯者:Brown, Clive / Costa, Neal Peres Da
定 價:752 元
特 價:639 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag

Bärenreiter-Verlag 德國騎熊士版 引領風潮讓原音重現 
Brahms, Johannes
Sonata for Violin and Piano D minor op. 108
布拉姆斯:D小調小提琴奏鳴曲 Op.108


Brahms composed his Violin Sonata in D minor during the summer of 1886. The work quickly became part of the standard repertoire and has remained so until today. It is presented here in a fine Bärenreiter Urtext edition and comes with an unmarked Urtext part as well as a second part marked with fingering and bowing by Clive Brown which are based on the practices of Brahms‘ contemporaries.

An important part of this edition is the Preface. Firstly it informs about the work's origin, early performances, its publication history as well as early reception. Truly remarkable is the unique detailed Performance Practice Commentary. Here the editors start from the premise that already a few decades after Brahms' death, a widening gulf developed between the composer's expectations and the performance practices of the early 20th century. On the basis of manifold sources which include memoirs by pupils and chamber music partners, treatises and essays, early instructive editions and historical recordings, the editors deal with key issues in understanding Brahms' notation. By a section-by-section analysis of rhythm and timing, dynamics and accentuation, dots and strokes, slurring and non legato, piano pedalling and overholding, piano arpeggiation and dislocation, string instrument fingering, string instrument harmonics and vibrato, the editors provide an indispensable assistance for a historically informed interpretation of the work.

At the same time, the edition offers an exciting and often surprising insight into musical interpretation of the German Romantic Era in general.

- A pioneering Urtext edition

- With an unmarked Urtext part

- With a second part including fingering and bowing based on the practices of contemporaries of Brahms

- With an extensive Performance Practice Commentary

- For further information on Romantic performance practice we recommend the text booklet: “Performance Practices in Johannes Brahms' Chamber Music”, BA 9600


作 者: Brahms, Johannes
原書名: Sonata for Violin and Piano D minor op. 108
編訂者: Brown, Clive / Costa, Neal Peres Da
ISMN: 9790006541126
語言型式: 英文/德文/五線譜
適用版本: Performance score(s), Part(s), Urtext edition
樂 器: Violin, Piano
適 用: 名曲、音樂會
外 觀: 膠裝 / 36 / 10 /10 頁 / 31.0 x 24.0 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷


Performance Practice Commentary


Hinweise zur Aufführungspraxis

Composer / Author:Brahms, Johannes

  • Sonata D minor op. 108

Critical Report



總計 0 個記錄


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