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Alfred's Premier Piano Course, Jazz, Rags & Blues 1B
卓越鋼琴教程 爵士、散拍&藍調【1B】All New Original Music

Alfred's Premier Piano Course, Jazz, Rags & Blues 1B Alfred's Premier Piano Course, Jazz, Rags & Blues 1B Alfred's Premier Piano Course, Jazz, Rags & Blues 1B Alfred's Premier Piano Course, Jazz, Rags & Blues 1B Alfred's Premier Piano Course, Jazz, Rags & Blues 1B Alfred's Premier Piano Course, Jazz, Rags & Blues 1B
作者(演奏者):Martha Mier
商品品牌:Alfred Music
定 價:412 元
特 價:309 元

LINE ID:@231pzjic



自訂標籤 #Tag

Premier Piano Course, Jazz, Rags & Blues 1B includes original pieces that reinforce concepts introduced in the Lesson Book 1B. Popular composer Martha Mier has composed all new music in a variety of styles, including ragtime, boogie, and jazz. Each piece has a duet accompaniment that adds harmonic interest and rhythmic stability. The pieces in the book correlate page-by-page with the materials in Lesson Book 1B. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.


Autumn Colors
Dizzy Lizzy Boogie
Fast Track Boogie
Finger Boogie
Flashlight Tag
The Hippoquarium
Jazz on Ice
Juggling Boogie
A Little Ragtime
Midnight Moon
Rainy Day Plans
Sand Castles
Snowboard Boogie
The Thing-a-ma-jig
Trampoline Jump


Additional Information
Series: Premier Piano Course
Composed by: Martha Mier
Instrument: Piano
Format: Book
Page Count: 32
Item Number: 00-41039
ISBN 10: 0-7390-9631-1
ISBN 13: 978-0-7390-9631-4
UPC: 038081460604


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